Welcome to your journey of discovery to create your own personal style, in order for us to prepare your Personal Portfolio work through the following questions.
These terms come from the Ancient Chinese who believed that each persona is a blend of two personalities. These opposite characteristics, when put together make up a whole balanced person.
Introvert Quiet Relaxed Idealistic Gentle Reserved Subtle Intuitive Submissive Calm (Gentle and Passive) |
Extrovert Animated Intense Realistic Forceful Dramatic Direct Analytical Assertive Exuberant (Forceful and Active) |
Nearly everyone is a composite of both personalities. Within the framework of your "type” your moods may change. A tiger at work could be a pussy at home.
If you want to express a Yin mood (soft and gentle) use the light to medium colours in your Colour by Dezine® Personal Palette. If you want to convey a Yang mood (I am confident) use your brighter, darker colours.
For example: The soft Pinks, are easy, non – threatening, YINS. The Reds are the attention getting YANGS. The deeper wine reds carry authority and weight and they are also YANGS, but with added dignity.
If you have a reserved personality you can choose the stronger Yang colours in your palette to give you confidence – did you know – people are attracted to colour! They will approach You! Alternatively, if you have a strong personality and want to “tone down on occasion” choose the Yin colours of your palette – or mix it up with a Stronger Yang colour mixed with a Yin accessory. Keep a balance, in colour and it will help balance your personality. Shop when you are feeling “up” - never go without your personal colour palette as your confidence guide!
Soft Blue Blue/Green Violet Soft Pink Grey Peach White |
Red Bright Yellow Dark Navy Orange Brown Purple Black |
We have six Personal Style Expressions – Dramatic, Town and Country, Classic, Romantic, Natural and Creative.
You can possibly like two style expressions i.e. a Classic for business and a Romantic for out of business hours. The most important aspect is not to mix two different Style Expressions in the one outfit – this gives “mixed Messages”.
THE TOWN & COUNTRYThe Town & Country type has a relaxed style that begs ease of movement and fun. Out of all the personality types, you have the least interest in what might be fashionable. Your priorities are otherwise, but that’s not to say you don’t like looking good. You like to get up and go with no fuss. Loose fitting natural fabrics or non-iron fabrics are your choice and always comfortable to wear. Your instinctive style draws you to nature, which inspires you most in your choice of colour, so colours are normally softer |
THE DRAMATICA bold sophisticated style, you are the woman who walks into a room and knocks them dead with your poise and confident individuality. You stand out in a crowd, outgoing, striking, and stunning. Very strong, defined design lines in clothing, strong focal point either in the face or a portion of the body, something in the ensemble is isolated and holds your attention. |
THE CLASSICThe timeless elegance of this style is best reflected by women who value quality more than quantity, style more than fashion. You don’t want your clothes to scream “look at me”. Rather, they are smart and understated. You like to blend your colours in a way that’s never contrived. Others who try wearing classic styles appear boring. As a real classic woman, you choose the most uncomplicated, simple designs and look superb. You can easily make a bargain dress look like a designer number simply by how you carry it - with that personal addition of accessories. |
THE ROMANTICAs a romantic woman you like clothes that show the female shape, graceful lines, no hard edges or sharp angles in the silhouette. It is a feminine look, can be delicate, soft, pretty and womanly, caring. You project a warm and approachable person, not conventionally ambitious. A Romantic pays attention to detail, from your choice of earrings and the collar on your blouse to the colour of your tights. You wouldn’t dream of dashing out in any old thing and spend whatever time it takes (and it can take time) to get ready. |
THE CREATIVEYou are about creativity; you like to be innovative, unique and unconventional, independent, very original ensembles and putting unusual pieces together, maybe into vintage clothing or high designer. It is about making a statement with more ‘out there’ clothing. |
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